
Showing posts from April, 2019

Celebrity Photobomb

This assignment was awesome! I chose a picture of me and my friends, then chose a photo of Millie Bobby Brown standing and cute her out into my photo. I erased parts of Millie to make it look like she was behind Ava, and adjusted the lighting and perspective to match the two and make it look realistic.

Contour Portrait

This was really cool and I loved it! It was fun to find things that were shaped perfectly to frame my face. I enjoyed choosing things I love to represent me.

Photoshop Makeover

This assignment was cool because It looks like an actual makeover! It was fun to experiment with and I really like the final result.

Create Your Own Font

Tada! Here's my handwriting in a super cute font :)

Cartoon head with Regular Body

This assignment was really cool! I drew a cartoon face on paper, then scanned it and colored it in Photoshop. I loved drawing this and it was fun to be able to try and mimic my expression in the original photo. I hope you like it, I put a lot of time into this.

Hybrid Cartoon Character

I chose to combine Winnie-The-Pooh, Charlie Brown, and Patrick Star. Im not sure what inspired me, but I like my new hybrid character :)

Colorized Drawing

I first drew a jar thing with my soul, then scanned it and colored it in Photoshop. I thought this was a really cool idea so I chose to use it for this assignment. I ended up drawing the wood in the background in Photoshop, but I like what it adds.

Panoramic Image

I used a camera to take multiple photos of a scene. I pieced all the different photos together to make it look like a panorama. I moved the camera up and down a little so some of the lines aren't perfect. The lighting also adjusted while I moved, so the sky is lots of unique colors. tee hee

Animated GIF

This project was incredibly time-consuming but it was really cool. I first made one plane, then made 35 copies of it and adjusted it to move across the screen. I then made about 70 copies of a cat with a red and white parachute. Finally, I arranged all of the pictures to make it appear to be moving. I had over 90 frames of cats and planes, but then I combined some of the frames and it ended up being 54 frames in total. I chose this because I thought it would be unique and I love cats. Enjoy! P.S. if you drag the gif into the search bar in a new tab, you can see it bigger